
Sunday, June 30, 2013

We all have a past...we all have things we've done that we regret, things we count as failure, things we are not proud of.  We've experienced how it feels to hurt others and we've experienced how it feels to be hurt by others.  We find ourselves in a place of pain trying to grasp for any piece of comfort or understanding that we can reach....and yet there are still times when we never find that peace we are looking for.
All of these things add up to create what we feel and think about ourselves.  This brings us to the present.  What we believe about past situations and ourselves creates how we respond to situations and people in our lives today.  Often times, we live in the failures and negatives that others inflicted on us.  We choose to live and believe in the lies that we don't understand because it's awfully hard to believe that we are really worth something or good at something when others have told us different.  It's even harder to move forward when we can't understand the reasoning behind why they did or said what they said.  At least if we knew they were jealous, or bitter toward us we could have factual information to understand why they did what they did and not take it to heart.  Perhaps we could stop believing the lie and begin believing the truth.
We face things in our lives everyday that are lies...either lies that the enemy has created or lies that we believe from things we have faced in life.  We look in the mirror and see what we have been told by others instead of seeing the true beauty we are.  We doubt our abilities to be capable of doing things we've been told we're not good at.  We believe that someone is better than us.  We believe we can't make a difference in our world because we just don't have what it takes or because we are just one person.  We believe we aren't good Parents and Grandparents.  We find ourselves questioning if we are good enough, if we can be successful.  We spend way too much time dodging bullets and trying to explain away why we are doing what we are doing.  Trying to prove that we are good enough with an I'll show you attitude at times.  We spend way too much time living like we believe the lies instead of believing the truth.
So what is the truth?  The truth is we are all broken vessels...some of us trying to live for God but all of us saying things and doing things that hurt others, that place false beliefs in others.  We can't place our worth and belief in others.  We are God's and we need to stop living in the past and start believing and living like we are His.  It starts with us; nobody else can do it for us.  It's funny how often we are complimented and it makes us feel good for a moment but then go right back to focusing on the negative.  Do you know who you are?  There's a song I want to share with you today that speaks loudly and clearly of who you are and whose you are!  I hope you will take the time to listen to and watch the video.  I hope it will minister to your heart and soul and that you will start making steps to start believing the truth in your life.  You have no idea how much power there is in believing and living the truth.  When you live in His kingdom...you are unstoppable!  There is nothing you can't do with His supernatural power and so many lives you can reach and lead to the light!  We are so much more than what we think we are...stop thinking and start believing.

Be Blessed!

Heavy Heart

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Stitched heart found at DistleFunk2
     Is your heart heavy? Are you feeling weighed down with worry, stress, fear? Lately, it seems like everyone I know seems to be going through some type of tough situation. Perhaps you can relate. News of cancer returning, looming medical bills, lack of income, and physical injuries cover just a few of the situations I have been praying about. Sometimes it seems like I can never do or say enough to help. Often I want to swoop in and "fix" everything. And the truth is, I can't. The word helpless comes to mind. I feel helpless, in that my heart is burdened and weighed down with my inability to make things better.

     As I thought about these feelings, this verse came to mind. Matthew 11:28 says this, "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened (Another version uses heavy laden instead of burdened)..." Wow, heavy-- what a word. Are you like me, in that, you tend to worry yourself to the ground? I will lie awake at night trying to go over in my mind how I can make a situation better. The funny thing is, I know that worrying will not change the situation. Yet, I still do it every time. All that I accomplish is that I wear myself down even further. My battery becomes even less charged until I wake up running on empty.

     The best part is, there is more to that verse. "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Aren't you tired of being tired? Be encouraged! Though you can't "fix" everything, know that there is one who can. It may not be how you think it should be "fixed" but know that there is purpose and wisdom in that far greater than you could ever think or imagine. When you are looking to your mind for the answers, don't forget to look even further. Jeremiah 31:25 says, "I [God] will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." Can you even imagine that? How nice would it feel to be refreshed? To be rejuvenated?

     May you be encouraged that you need not run on empty any longer. Seek Him and His word and He will give you rest.

Written by: Jacklynn Graham from Raising Mavericks
Artwork by: Maggie Montgomery from DistleFunk2

D.I.Y Inspiration: Vintage Book Sewing Kit

Monday, June 24, 2013

Today's D.I.Y. Inspiration comes from A Beautiful Mess blog. A sewing kit is always a handy thing to have, and what a sweet way to store one - inside the covers of a vintage book! You can slip it into your handbag or purse, to pull out when needed. Or it would look equally delightful on a bookshelf, provided you can remember which book to pull out in a stitching emergency!

Vintage book sewing kit via A Beautiful Mess blog
Head over to A Beautiful Mess to find all the step-by step instructions and more photos.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

                                                              You are God's Masterpiece

Many of us here with shops on ETSY create.  We have a gift, a talent, a desire and a passion to make or create something of value.  It takes a lot of thought and effort and it is not done without vision and purpose.  I'm certain each one of us has a story of how a certain piece or item came to be, of how our shop became what it is today or what it is becoming for the future.
God created us and in doing so, I can guarantee He dotted every "i".  He crossed every "t".  He designed every intricate detail about us and retouched every flaw.  Our God pours His heart and soul into each and every one of us that He creates.  You were created for purpose and you are valuable.  And just like us, when the masterpiece is finished, He looks down in admiration.  He loves us.  He swoons over His great creation and is proud of His work.
The point I am making here is this.  Creation is not just by chance.  Creation is is done with purpose, vision, and intention.  You were created with a plan in mind and you are beautiful in His sight.  With every stitch of our being we should be praising our great Creator and have a desire to fulfill our purpose.  Don't question who or what you are...don't question if you are here for a reason...You were created!  And you were created for greatness!

''Everything was created through him; nothing-not one thing!- came into being without him.  What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by.  The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out.''  John 1:3-5  (The Message)

Have a blessed Sunday!
Missy  www.unchainedbracelets.etsy.com

Shop Spotlight of the Week- JersyMaid

Saturday, June 22, 2013

This weeks Shop Spotlight of the Week is  Sharyl of JerseyMaid.  Sharyl has beautiful, modern fabric headbands, napkins and much more!  She offers vibrant spring and summer color fabrics!  I love so many of her items .  Take a look at a few of her amazing creations below! Please stop by and see all the stunning items in JerseyMaid Shop!           


About Our Team Team Jabez is a fun place to help promote one another and learn to grow our businesses. We are a small, Faith Based team with outstanding shops and great photography. Our teams goal is to grow together in Excellence!

Team Jabez Members: If you have a chance, please show some shop love by taking a moment to favorite and promote on your favorite Social Media.  Thanks!

by Kelly of KellyBermudez

Fridays Fabulous Finds

Friday, June 21, 2013

Who hasn't spent a few minutes viewing artisans' work on Etsy?  If one is not careful, you can easily find yourself viewing longer than you had expected. It is so evident that God our Father has blessed His creation with so many talents. We are here to share with you some of these beautiful talents from other wonderful Etsy sellers. Enjoy!

Green teething ring toy with crochet wooden beads.  Looking for a more natural toy?  This teething ring is made of wood and 100% cotton yarn.  The seller suggests the woods can be polished with sesame seed or olive oil.  This eco friendly teething ring can be found at NiHaMa - Nice Hand Made.

Parsley Peas Card Gift Pack.  Nature in God's creation is always a great place to start.  Getting back to the root of things.  If you have a dear one who loves gardening, a card such as this one would be much appreciated.  These cards can be found at The Botanical Concept.

Ceramic Cellars in Mint-- Salt, Pepper and Sugar.  A lovely way to access your salt & pepper and your sugar.  Simply scoop out what you need using the bamboo spoons from these lovely handmade ceramic cellars.  These functional pottery pieces can be found at RossLab.

Blessings in our Messiah

Part of a Team

     From the outside, you are a shop filled with pictures of your products. Some of you may have a face and a bio, but for the most part, that is where it ends. When people favorite your item they don't see the long hours you've put into your product, building your circles, making treasuries, and promoting. When an order is placed, they don't know that you are actually in the ER at that very moment because a loved one has suddenly fallen ill or that you are trying to make dinner, while figuring out how to tidy the house, pick of your child from baseball practice, to the sound of a screaming toddler. All of this stays behind the scenes.

     For me, opening up my Etsy shop was a dream come true. Finally, I felt like I was able to inspire the world with all these ideas that God had been flooding my heart with. I did my best to research what I needed to do and then when I couldn't sleep any longer due to all the ideas constantly floating in my head; I opened up shop. I don't know what I was thinking. For the first few days, I think I needed to attend some sort of Stats Anonymous, as that was all I seemed to do. Looking back, (and you may laugh) I really thought that I was going to open up shop and sell, sell, sell. Wow! I had no clue how much work Etsy really was/is.

      I think I ran on nothing but adrenaline the first week. Once the second week rolled around, I began to lose my momentum a bit. All of the views I had received from my Facebook friends began to trickle away and I was left watching my stats barely rise. I was so defeated. I felt like I had failed. I don't think people really understand how much of your heart you put into your shop, unless they themselves have been there. And that is where you come in.

      When you try to go at Etsy alone, the chances are quite high, that you will be left as I was feeling; down and defeated. But Praise God that the story did not end there :) I started researching success stories and realized that Etsy Teams were a wonderful way to get involved and relate to others going through similar experiences. The first day I was invited to Team Jabez, I literally sat at my computer and wept reading the various discussions. Real people, just like me, sharing their hearts and emotions, while encouraging and spurring one another on. If you are not on a team, I highly encourage you to pray to God to lead you to the right one or as in my case, to have the right one find you.

      I truly feel like the below verse represents what I see in Team Jabez, a team carrying one another's burdens, growing in the Lord, and spurring one another on towards greatness through prayer and joyfulness.

      Colossians 1:9-12 says this, "For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, what has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light."

As we continue this journey together, may you be inspired and encouraged by the unity of being a part of a team.

Blog written by Jacklynn Graham-- www.etsy.com/shop/raisingmavericks

Artwork by Kelly Bermudez

fundraiser to benefit tornado and flood victims

Saturday, June 8, 2013

One week left. Seven days. GO!

Wait...um, where are we going?

We are going shopping for a cause. We are going to RUN, NOT WALK to Baruch's Lullaby, where 100% of all sales income is currently being donated to benefit the people of Oklahoma and surrounding states that are recovering from the heartbreak recently caused by tornadoes. Baruch's Lullaby is also donating funds to a local Alaskan community, the village of Galena, that was devastated by a flood from an ice jam along the Yukon River.

You can also share this photo on facebook and be entered to win a hairband or kerchief of your choice! We will do the drawing on Friday, June 14th.

Hurray, hurrah, hurry! The fundraiser goes through June 15th! You get some wonderful knitterly goodness, and these communities get some much-needed funds for recovery.

Any questions? You can read more details here, or contact Shannon at Baruch's Lullaby. Thanks!

Amazing items from some Amazing Shops!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Team Jabez

I am so excited to launch the Team Jabez blog.  We will be featuring stunning Etsy Shops and wonderful information and material to help and inform handmade business to excede and grow!

Who are we?

Team Jabez is a fun place to help promote one another and learn to grow our businesses . We are a small, Faith Based team with outstanding shops. Our teams goal is to grow together in Excellence!


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