All of these things add up to create what we feel and think about ourselves. This brings us to the present. What we believe about past situations and ourselves creates how we respond to situations and people in our lives today. Often times, we live in the failures and negatives that others inflicted on us. We choose to live and believe in the lies that we don't understand because it's awfully hard to believe that we are really worth something or good at something when others have told us different. It's even harder to move forward when we can't understand the reasoning behind why they did or said what they said. At least if we knew they were jealous, or bitter toward us we could have factual information to understand why they did what they did and not take it to heart. Perhaps we could stop believing the lie and begin believing the truth.
We face things in our lives everyday that are lies...either lies that the enemy has created or lies that we believe from things we have faced in life. We look in the mirror and see what we have been told by others instead of seeing the true beauty we are. We doubt our abilities to be capable of doing things we've been told we're not good at. We believe that someone is better than us. We believe we can't make a difference in our world because we just don't have what it takes or because we are just one person. We believe we aren't good Parents and Grandparents. We find ourselves questioning if we are good enough, if we can be successful. We spend way too much time dodging bullets and trying to explain away why we are doing what we are doing. Trying to prove that we are good enough with an I'll show you attitude at times. We spend way too much time living like we believe the lies instead of believing the truth.
So what is the truth? The truth is we are all broken vessels...some of us trying to live for God but all of us saying things and doing things that hurt others, that place false beliefs in others. We can't place our worth and belief in others. We are God's and we need to stop living in the past and start believing and living like we are His. It starts with us; nobody else can do it for us. It's funny how often we are complimented and it makes us feel good for a moment but then go right back to focusing on the negative. Do you know who you are? There's a song I want to share with you today that speaks loudly and clearly of who you are and whose you are! I hope you will take the time to listen to and watch the video. I hope it will minister to your heart and soul and that you will start making steps to start believing the truth in your life. You have no idea how much power there is in believing and living the truth. When you live in His are unstoppable! There is nothing you can't do with His supernatural power and so many lives you can reach and lead to the light! We are so much more than what we think we are...stop thinking and start believing.
Be Blessed!