D.I.Y. Inspiration - Oilcloth Peg Bag

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I thought I'd share a rather practical tutorial today, from a fellow Australian. Ros, from Sew Delicious has a tutorial on making an oilcloth bag for your clothes pegs (that's what we call them here in Aussie-land - I'm not sure if the same term applies where you are).

I think I probably chose this particular tutorial today because I have laundry on the brain. I have spent much of the day trying to catch up on washing, folding, ironing and putting away clothes. Isn't it strange how the dirty laundry seems to multiply after a weekend away? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy today's D.I.Y Inspiration. Don't forget to visit the original Sew Delicious blog post for all the step-by-step instructions.

1 comment:

  1. Yes....laundry is the name of the game! This bag is really cute. Thanks for sharing Candy!



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